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Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds in India

Category : New to Investing September 5, 20245 minutes read

Mutual funds shine in the complex world of finance as a potentially wise choice for strategic wealth growth in the long term and ease of use. The guide explores the many benefits of investing in mutual funds in India. Some of these benefits include:

  • Diversification
  • Systematic Investment Plans
  • Convenience 
  • Liquidity
  • Transparency
  • Tax Benefits
  • Variety
  • Regulation

These benefits of investing in mutual funds may make them a suitable investment option to several investors from different backgrounds.


There are several benefits of investing in mutual funds. However, it is first necessary to understand what a mutual fund investment is. 

A mutual fund functions as a collaborative investment instrument, pooling resources from individual investors under the supervision of experts. A mutual fund investment has a fairly basic principle and management. You select the fund and invest in it, and professionals handle the remainder of the choices.

What Are The Types of Mutual Funds in India?

There are several types of mutual funds available to investors. They are designed to appeal to the various sorts of investors existing in the market based on investment time length. High-risk mutual funds and low-risk mutual funds simultaneously exist so it is crucial to consider your risk appetite. 

Let’s take a look at some of them: 

Equity Mutual Funds

Equity mutual funds generally invest in stocks, also known as equities. Although the value of a stock fund can increase and fall fast (and significantly) in the short term, it may be a suitable investment option in the long run. One of the many advantages of mutual funds investing in equity is their ability to potentially create wealth for the investor. Equity funds are vulnerable to a variety of investment risks, including market risk, which is the largest potential threat for stock fund investors. Stock prices can change for a variety of reasons, including the overall soundness of the economy or demand for specific products or services.

Debt Mutual Funds

A debt fund is a type of mutual fund which makes investments in fixed-income assets that have the potential to provide capital appreciation, such as corporate and government bonds, corporate debt securities, and money market instruments. Debt funds are also known as Fixed Income Funds and Bond Funds. Debt funds are appropriate for investors who seek consistent income but are wary of high-risk mutual funds. Debt funds are less volatile and hence less riskier than equity funds. 

Hybrid Mutual Funds

Hybrid mutual funds may be a good mutual fund for investors seeking diversification. To put it simply, hybrid funds are a blend of equity and debt assets that are meant to suit the investment objective of the scheme. Each hybrid fund has a unique mix of equity and debt that is aimed at different sorts of investors. A hybrid fund aims to build a well-balanced portfolio that will provide its investors with potential diversification benefits. Hybrid funds are, however, considered a risky investment as they are vulnerable to market volatility and fluctuations. All mutual funds, including hybrid mutual funds, are regulated by SEBI and are mandated to invest a portion of their corpus to specific asset classes. Investors may choose hybrid funds with an aggressive or conservative investment strategy. 

ETF and Index Funds

ETFs and index funds both, track an underlying index. The majority of ETFs are simple to comprehend. An ETF is a mutual fund that trades like a stock on a stock market. Index Funds performance is based on an underlying index that it intends to replicate. Index Funds are regarded as passively managed since they are meant to track an index; the vast majority of mutual funds are regarded as under active management.

Key Takeaways:

Mutual funds can broadly be divided into 4 types, namely:

  • Equity mutual funds: Predominantly invest in equities or stocks.
  • Debt mutual funds: Predominantly invest in debt securities or other fixed-income securities.
  • Hybrid mutual funds: Invest in a diversified portfolio of equities and fixed-income securities
  • ETFs and index mutual funds: Invest in securities as per the underlying index.

What Are the Advantages of Mutual Funds?

Let’s explore the benefits of investing in mutual funds to discover why they are a popular alternative for investors seeking a balanced and carefully managed approach to wealth growth in the long term.

Diversification in Mutual Funds

Diversification in mutual funds allows investors to potentially mitigate risk. By diversifying one’s investment into several types of mutual funds, investors can spread their funds across different market caps and asset classes and potentially reduce risk. Moreover, hybrid mutual funds invest across market caps, and allow investors to gain the potential benefits each market cap may offer. Diversification may offset the impact of any one (or a few) underperforming securities in the total portfolio. However, diversification necessitates investors being aware of their risk tolerance and life goals. Low-risk mutual funds such as arbitrage funds leverage the potential benefits of diversification. 

Benefits of SIP in mutual fund

To explain simply, what is SIP in mutual funds- Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) in mutual funds enable investors to invest a set amount of money in mutual funds regularly. One of the primary advantages of SIP over lumpsum investing is that you may invest in mutual funds through SIP with even smaller amounts every month. 

Because of its structure, SIP is well-suited for the salaried class. Salaried people may time their SIP payments to coincide with their monthly paycheck cycle, making it a smooth and easy investment method. This strategy assures that a percentage of one’s pay is continuously devoted to investing, encouraging financial discipline.

One of the benefits of SIP in mutual funds is that there is no limit on the number of SIPs or mutual funds that can be invested in concurrently. Systematic Investment Plans entail making regular, generally monthly, investments into a mutual fund of your choice. On one hand, this ensures that you establish a habit of preserving money; on the other hand, you are better positioned to potentially increase your wealth over time by remaining engaged in market-linked assets that have an opportunity to outperform inflation.

Opposing this, you can also opt for a lumpsum investment in mutual funds which refers to a one-time investment of a significant amount of money into a mutual fund scheme.


Although mutual funds may follow an active investment strategy, they do not require active involvement of the investor. One of the benefits of investing in mutual funds is that they are easy to understand and can be effectively used by beginner investors. 

The automatic reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions is one of the significant benefits provided by mutual funds. This feature enables investors to compound their earnings without requiring manual involvement. When a mutual fund earns profits in the form of dividends or capital gains, investors may  choose to automatically reinvest these earnings back into the fund, acquiring more units. This not just capitalises on the power of compounding, but also promotes a detached attitude to portfolio management. Investors might boost the growth of their assets over time without having to track and reinvest dividends regularly. 

Liquidity in Mutual Funds

Despite certain investment choices, which may impose limits on fund access, mutual funds typically provide a high level of liquidity, enabling investors to invest or redeem their investments at the current net asset value (NAV) price on any given day.

“Liquidity” refers to the ease with which a fund’s holdings may be converted to cash. The possibility to redeem mutual funds daily is a distinguishing characteristic which may be beneficial to investors seeking liquidity. Units of open-end mutual funds are continually available for investment, and investors can redeem their investments on any given day. When it comes to investing, liquidity in mutual funds stands out as a big asset. 

Furthermore, the liquidity of mutual funds helps to the simplicity of portfolio management. Investors can reallocate assets, adjust portfolios, and switch between funds without encountering substantial challenges. This feature is especially useful for investors looking for a dynamic and flexible investing approach.


Among the benefits of investing in mutual funds, a key benefit is their transparency, which ensures that investors have access to full information. On the AMCs website, each mutual fund includes an easily available Scheme Information Document that provides in-depth insights into its holdings, fund management competence, and other critical facts. 

Furthermore, the fund’s Net Asset worth (NAV), which represents the portfolio’s investment worth, is meticulously disclosed daily on both the Asset Management Company’s (AMC) and the Association of Mutual Funds in India’s (AMFI) websites. This dedication to openness empowers investors by allowing them to see the mutual fund’s composition in real-time, allowing them to keep informed about the fund’s performance and make well-informed investment decisions.

Mutual Fund Tax Benefits

The tax benefits of mutual funds in India appear as a compelling benefit for investors, notably in the case of Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS). Investing up to Rupees 1,50,000 in ELSS mutual funds not only provides a possible path for wealth creation in the long term, but it also qualifies for a tax advantage under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961. This implies that the amount invested can be deducted from the investor’s taxable income, reducing their overall tax obligation. However, ELSS mutual funds lock-in period is three years, reducing the liquidity of this specific fund.

Furthermore, mutual fund investments may be tax efficient, especially when opting for long term mutual funds. Capital gains tax is reduced, making them an appealing alternative for investors wishing to reduce their tax burdens while supporting long-term financial progress. Long-term capital gains tax on mutual funds may apply when selling investments held for more than one year, impacting the tax implications for investors.

Mutual funds may be a suitable option for investors seeking the dual benefit of tax-saving and potential wealth creation in the long term. 


Several pathways within the domain of mutual funds cater to various investor demands. Liquid funds appear as a potential choice for investors seeking safety amid debt and minimising interest rate risk. Flexi-cap funds, on the other hand, are a suitable option if investors want to diversify their stock holdings across market capitalisations. Furthermore, investors with special financial objectives, such as retiring, may invest in Retirement Funds. Different mutual funds may help investors meet their different financial goals. This range of alternatives is one of the major benefits of investing in mutual funds as it allows investors to tailor their investments to specific financial goals and risk tolerances.


Mutual funds allow investors to potentially gain the benefits of compounding. Compounding allows your wealth to grow in the long run. By reinvesting your earnings, your investment can grow at an accelerated rate and compounding may reduce the impact of inflation. By investing in long-term mutual funds, investors may be able to avail the benefits of compounding.

Utilise the power of compounding by investing in mutual funds today. Invest with Bandhan Mutual Fund!


The regulatory environment administered by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is among key benefits of investing in mutual funds. Mutual funds are regulated by SEBI’s extensive rules and AMCs are required to follow certain norms and instructions, creating a uniform and secure investing environment. This strict monitoring protects investors by ensuring that their interests are safeguarded by adhering to established industry norms.

Furthermore, SEBI is crucial in encouraging transparency in the mutual fund business. It requires mutual funds to report their holdings on a regular basis. 

Key Takeaways:

Investing in mutual funds has several benefits. These include:

  • Diversification: Mutual funds invest in a wide range of securities including equities, debt, money market instruments, commodities, etc. Diversification may help investors spread out risk.
  • Systematic Investment Plans: SIPs may be beneficial for investors looking to make smaller, periodic investments.
  • Convenience: Mutual funds are easy to understand and can be effectively used by beginner investors. 
  • Liquidity: Mutual funds typically provide a high level of liquidity, enabling investors to invest or redeem their investments easily.
  • Transparency: AMCs are mandated to provide all important information about a scheme on their website.
  • Tax: ELSS funds allow investors to save tax under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
  • Variety: Different mutual funds may help investors meet their different financial goals. Mutual funds may invest in equities, debt, or other securities.
  • Compounding: Earnings from mutual funds are re-invested in the fund, allowing investors to potentially gain the benefits of compounding.
  • Regulation: Mutual funds are regulated by SEBI’s extensive rules to ensure investor protection.

Should You Invest in Mutual Funds?

The benefits of investing in mutual funds are versatile. It is an investment choice that caters to a wide spectrum of individuals with diverse financial objectives, risk tolerances, and investment horizons. Individuals of almost all categories may find mutual funds to be a suitable investment option.

Mutual funds may be suitable for beginner investors. They offer a professionally managed and diverse portfolio, removing the need for in-depth market expertise from newcomers. With several fund alternatives, while considering risk in mutual funds, beginners can select funds that correspond to their degree of comfort.

Mutual funds can aid investors who are looking to diversify their investments. Because these funds aggregate money from several investors to invest in a wide range of assets, they provide diversification, lowering the risk in mutual funds associated with individual securities.

A major benefit of investing in mutual funds is that individuals with specific financial objectives, such as saving for college, purchasing a home, or supporting retirement may invest in such target-date funds or solution-oriented funds to potentially achieve their financial goals.

There are benefits of investing in mutual funds for individuals with a low-risk appetite as well. Conservative mutual fund choices, such as debt funds or money market funds that emphasise capital preservation have a lower risk level. These funds are less susceptible to market volatility.

Due to their inherent flexibility and varied range of offers, mutual funds stand out as a flexible investment solution. They cater to various risk appetites, financial goals, and investment horizons, making them accessible to busy professionals, goal-oriented individuals, risk-averse investors, and retirees. Mutual funds may be tailored to meet individual objectives, with options ranging from cautious debt funds to growth-oriented equity funds. 

Investors should keep in mind that all mutual funds have inherent risks, and a thorough examination of aspects such as risk tolerance, investing goals, and fund outcomes is essential before making a choice.

Key Takeaways

  • A mutual fund functions as a collaborative investment instrument, pooling resources from individual participants under the supervision of competent experts,
  • Understanding the merits and demerits of mutual funds is essential for navigating the world of investing and making wise decisions in the always-changing financial landscape.
  • Mutual fund diversification entails diversifying one’s investment into several types of mutual funds after doing a thorough analysis of the individual investor’s risk profile. The most essential component of diversity is that it may potentially reduce the total risk of an investor’s portfolio investment.
  • Because of its structure, SIP is well-suited for the salaried class. Salaried people may time their SIP payments to coincide with their monthly paycheck cycle, making it a smooth and easy investment method. 
  • Mutual funds are regulated by SEBI’s extensive rules that require all AMCs to follow certain norms and instructions, creating a uniform and secure investing environment.
  • Due to their inherent flexibility and varied range of funds, mutual funds stand out as a flexible investment solution appropriate for practically everybody. 
  • Navigating the investment landscape, and understanding the benefits of investing in mutual funds and their potential crucial—a balanced perspective empowering investors to make well-informed financial decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

The benefits of mutual funds in India are diversification, Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs), convenience, liquidity, transparency, tax-saving, variety, regulation by SEBI and the potential benefits of compounding.

The benefits of investing in mutual funds are diversification to potentially reduce risk, Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs), convenience, liquidity, transparency, tax-saving through ELSS funds, variety, regulation by SEBI and the benefits of compounding in the long-run. Cons of mutual funds include risk level, fees such as exit and entry loads and no control over portfolio

Yes, you may have the ability to withdraw from a mutual fund at any time, however some investments may levy exit load penalties if you redeem before a set time period.

No, mutual fund returns are taxed; the tax consequences vary depending on criteria such as fund type and holding duration. There are short and long term capital gains taxes on mutual funds; the percent levied may differ depending on the type of fund.

Mutual fund risk stems from market changes. They may be categorised as high-risk mutual funds and low-risk mutual funds. It is critical to assess risk tolerance and select funds accordingly.

Mutual fund investments can be made by minors under the age of eighteen (minor) with parental or legal guardian assistance up until the age of eighteen. The minor must be the sole account holder represented by the parent/guardian.

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