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A Guide to International Mutual Funds in India

Category : Investing Guides August 21, 20245 minutes read

Getting started with international mutual funds might be intimidating, especially if you’re new to investing. It’s entirely appropriate to have queries such as, ‘What exactly are foreign mutual funds?’ and ‘How should I allocate my finances to them?’ You may also be wondering whether and why integrating overseas mutual funds in your investment portfolio may be your preferred mode of investment. International mutual funds or overseas mutual funds invest money in overseas corporations. They may be beneficial for risk management and diversification. Additionally, overseas mutual funds may offer varied growth prospects for investors. However, they may be subject to certain risks, including currency exchange rate risk and market risks due to geopolitical situations. Seasoned investors and investors with a long-term investment horizon may be suitable for these schemes.


In a simplified context, any money invested in overseas corporations are called international mutual funds. They may be called overseas mutual funds or foreign mutual funds as well.

So, why invest in International Equity? The aim behind these funds is to spread your money out in numerous ways to potentially reduce your investment risk. This is accomplished by spreading assets over many asset classes and diversifying within each asset class. Investment risks may be lowered by diversifying investments among many asset classes and dispersing funds among various international mutual funds. This, however, may sound simple in theory, but there are various factors you need to consider before you choose to invest in the global market. Investing in international mutual funds offers advantages and disadvantages that you should consider.

Consider this: an international fund is a form of mutual fund that invests globally. It invests in firms from all around the world to diversify your investments. Diversification means you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket, which may help reduce the chances of losing a bunch of money all at once.

Getting into the process of investing in international equity can be complex, however, international mutual funds may simplify this process as they operate in the same way as traditional equity mutual funds. International mutual funds are similar to pooled investments. A group of investors that are interested contribute to an overall large sum of money. When you choose to invest in one of these funds, you do it in Indian Rupees. The money is used to purchase “mutual fund units.” Each of these units represents a small portion of the larger sum of money that was initially contributed. The broker provides you with some of these, as previously described, mutual fund units that are in exchange for your investment. The number of units you receive is determined by how much money you put in and how much each unit is worth at the moment. 

To further go into the technicality of this, the price or value of this unit that you received is known as the ‘Net Asset Value’ (NAV). You can calculate the value of one unit depending on the fund that has been invested in. Its value might fluctuate as the markets shift.

The Indian exchange control rules govern overseas investment by Indian residents. The government and the framework on August 22, 2022, gives better clarity, encompasses more economic activity, and includes improved reporting criteria.

Advantages of International Mutual Funds

Why should I invest in foreign stocks from India? Read on to learn the benefits of international investment. 

Risk Management

International portfolios may reduce risk. When US equities experience a downturn, offshore investments might assist in balancing the books. Consider a portfolio that is equally split between international and local assets. To further improve risk management, diversify your international portfolio by including equities from both established and emerging economies. 

Tapping Into Growth Prospects

When you invest in foreign stocks from India, you open up new growth opportunities outside of your market. This has the potential to result in higher returns, particularly in rapidly rising emerging economies. Investing in foreign stocks from India may allow you to participate in the growth potential of these emerging economies, perhaps leading to larger returns. 

Diversification Strategy

By diversifying into markets with positive development prospects, investors try to balance the risks and potential returns of their portfolios. Investing in diverse economic drivers in several locations might help decrease exposure to the risks associated with a particular market or currency.

Diversify your investments by investing with Bandhan Mutual Fund today!

Key Takeaways:

Investing in overseas mutual funds may be beneficial for investors due to a number of reasons.

  • Risk Management: Diversifying your portfolio geographically may reduce risk.
  • Tapping Into Growth Prospects: By investing in international equities, you may open up new growth opportunities outside your home country’s market. 
  • Diversification: Investing in diverse economic drivers in several locations might help decrease exposure to the risks associated with a particular market.

Disadvantages of International Mutual Funds

If you’re considering investing in international mutual funds, here’s what you should be cautious about:

Currency Exchange Rate Risk

When investing in overseas mutual funds, investors should be aware of currency exchange rate volatility. Exchange rates show the relative worth of one country’s currency vs another. These rates fluctuate owing to a variety of reasons such as economic circumstances, interest rates, and geopolitical circumstances. If the currency of the nation where your investments are kept falls considerably against your home currency, the value of your investments will fall when translated back into the currency of your nation. Currency exchange rate risk is an important issue for foreign mutual fund investors since it can affect the total performance of your international stock mutual fund.

Navigating Political Risk in Your Investments

Every country runs within its political environment, and investors must recognize and manage the risks that come with it. Political risk refers to the possibility that changes in a country’s political environment will harm your overseas mutual funds. Transitions in party leadership, military rule, legislative choices, or governmental policy are all examples of such transitions.

One important facet of political risk is the possibility of economic volatility as a result of unanticipated changes in fiscal and monetary policy. Such changes can have a substantial influence on investors and, in certain cases, make it difficult to withdraw cash from foreign stocks in India.

International Mutual Funds: Are They Your Investment Match?

This chapter dives into the world of international mutual funds to help you determine if they are suitable for your investment goals.

Seasoned Equity Investors with Diverse Domestic Portfolios 

Before investing in an international stock mutual fund, newcomers to the world of mutual funds should move with caution. It is often advised that new investors begin by building a well-diversified portfolio of Indian firms. These domestic investments give a solid base and market awareness.

Mutual funds investing in foreign stocks, on the other hand, might be a helpful addition for experienced investors who already have a well-diversified portfolio in the Indian market. They provide a unique chance to broaden the breadth of diversity while potentially increasing returns. These seasoned investors may tap into global possibilities by including international funds in their portfolios, minimizing the risks associated with exclusively relying on local assets and perhaps unlocking extra sources of development.

Long-Term Wealth Creation

If you have long-term financial goals, overseas funds can play a critical role in assisting you to attain your long-term objectives.

What makes mutual funds investing in foreign stocks suitable for long-term investors?

Foreign stocks in India may offer a beneficial hedge against the ups and downs of domestic equity markets. This protection is especially useful when investing over a long period since it helps to mitigate the impact of market changes on your money.

Long-term mutual funds investing in foreign stocks investment may allow you to tap into the incredible power of compounding. Your returns might allow you to create extra returns on the initial investment and the cumulative gain if you stay involved for several years.

Create wealth in the long-term with Bandhan Mutual Fund!

Key Takeways:

Overseas mutual funds may be beneficial for seasoned equity investors, seeking diversification across geographical areas. Additionally, these schemes may be beneficial for investors seeking long-term wealth creation.

Key Takeaways

  • What is an International mutual fund? International mutual funds provide a means to invest in foreign companies, enhancing portfolio diversification.
  • International funds in India offer an opportunity to access global markets and balance investment risks.
  • International mutual funds pool money from investors to invest in foreign mutual funds. These funds aim to reduce risk by distributing investments across various asset classes and diversifying within each class.
  • Diversification across global markets and mutual funds investing in international funds in India can mitigate risks associated with investing in a single country’s economy.
  • Currency exchange rate risk can affect returns when converting foreign investments back to the home currency. Political risk arises from changes in a country’s political environment, impacting investments. 
  • Unforeseen fiscal and monetary policy changes can lead to economic volatility, posing challenges for investors in foreign equity mutual funds.  
  • New investors are advised to begin with a diversified portfolio of domestic investments to gain market familiarity. Experienced investors can boost diversification and potentially increase returns by incorporating international funds in India.
  • An international investment portfolio can be particularly beneficial for long-term investors, offering protection against market fluctuations and the compounding of returns over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can. The benefits of International portfolio investment are many. It may provide an additional diversity of investment. It allows you to access liquidity in various markets. This might assist you in decreasing the risks associated with the market in which you invest the most. This is intended to attempt to lower the volatility of the portfolio’s results over time. Including global mutual funds in a portfolio may also assist in mitigating a variety of additional nation-specific risks, such as fiscal, political, market dynamics, and currency volatility.

Indian investors can invest in US mutual funds by choosing international fund of fund schemes. These mutual funds invest in US mutual funds and allow investors to diversify their portfolio by gaining exposure to international markets.

The benefits of international investment, to name a few, are portfolio diversification, risk reduction, and perhaps better profits. It enables investors to profit from the growth potential of economies beyond their local nation.

Variations in exchange rates may have an influence on the worth of assets when converted back into the native currency of the investor. Unrest in politics, government changes, policy upheavals, and recessions in foreign nations are all possible factors that can have a detrimental impact on investments. When compared to local markets, some foreign markets may display greater levels of volatility and unpredictability.

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