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What is NAV in Mutual Fund?

Category : Investing Guides August 14, 20245 minutes read

To understand how your mutual fund is performing, you need to find out what is NAV in mutual funds. The full form of NAV in mutual funds is Net Asset Value and it refers to the value of a single unit of a mutual fund. Each mutual fund has a set number of outstanding units based on which investors are able to purchase the units. In this guide, we’ll take a deeper look at what is NAV in mutual funds and how much importance you should be attaching to an NAV when investing.


There are a number of different metrics by which investors make investment decisions. If you are a new investor, you must be coming across the NAV or net asset value of a mutual fund fairly often. Net asset value calculation is standardised across the Indian market and published online on the fund’s investment dashboard.

Meaning of Net Asset Value

What is NAV in mutual funds? Each mutual fund is split into a predefined number of units and when you invest in a mutual fund, you are investing in these units. The NAV of mutual funds in India refers to the net asset value of a single unit on a given day. The higher the NAV of a fund, the more it costs to invest in a single unit of that fund.

There is a misconception that low NAV mutual funds are better to invest in, but there is no reason to suggest that a higher or lower NAV makes a fund more suitable. Several factors play a role in helping an investor decide the suitability of a fund, and NAV is one of them. What is NAV in mutual funds? The NAV of mutual funds of India is the price of a single unit of the mutual fund on a given day and nothing more. It may be better to make your investment decisions based on the past performance of the fund and the general performance of different kinds of funds in India.

How to Calculate NAV of a Mutual Fund?

Though it sounds a little complicated, calculating the NAV in stock market funds is actually quite easy. To put it simply, the formula for net asset value calculation is the Net Assets of the Scheme  divided by outstanding units. The net assets of the scheme is calculated by summing up the total assets and subtracting any liabilities of the fund as per the NAV formula for mutual funds.

Typically, the NAV of mutual funds in India is calculated by dividing the difference of assets and liabilities by the number of outstanding units. 

((Assets – Liabilities) / outstanding units)

However, mutual funds are unlikely to have any direct liabilities and therefore all calculations are made on current investments and assets.

The importance of NAV of mutual funds in India comes when investing and redeeming  units in a mutual fund after the start date. This is to ensure that investors who are exiting are getting a fair price as well as tracking the growth of the mutual fund in terms of value per unit.

Importance of NAV in Mutual Funds

On face value, the NAV is not really very important to an investor, as it just signifies the cost of investment  or return on redeeming  a unit in a mutual fund. The net asset value of mutual fund units is important when viewed from a growth perspective. A fund with a good track record of growing, its NAV is more likely to be a better investment.

Invest via SIP with Bandhan Mutual Fund

Another important point of impact is NAV in SIP investments in mutual funds. Let’s say you are investing rs. 20,000 every month via  an SIP. In the first month as the mutual fund (post NFO period), if a single unit costs Rs. 100, in the subsequent month, each unit may cost Rs. 122, meaning, you will not get the same number of units on your second investment  due to the difference of NAV in each phase. As the NAV grows, each subsequent investment will give you a lower number of units, although the value invested remains the same.

If you are investing a lumpsum amount in  a mutual fund you will be purchasing mutual fund units at the current net asset value, so the number of units you receive = investment amount / NAV.

Key Takeaways

  • What is NAV in mutual funds? It is the current price of one unit of a mutual fund.
  • The NAV of mutual funds in India does not determine if the mutual fund is worth investing in. A high or low NAV mutual fund does not impact investment success.
  • To calculate what is NAV in mutual funds, you must divide the total asset value of a fund by the number of outstanding units. If there are any liabilities, they must be subtracted from the total asset value.
  • The growth rate of a fund’s net asset value is an important indicator of how the fund is performing. NAV of mutual funds in India can be high due to a stronger starting unit price or due to the growth the fund has experienced.

Frequently Asked Questions

The NAV in mutual funds is only the price at which you can invest in a unit of a mutual fund. There are no investment reasons to have a preference between high or low NAV mutual funds. Although, if a mutual fund has a high NAV, it may be because the fund has experienced significant growth since it began, which is a good sign that the fund is performing consistently.

What is NAV in mutual funds? It is the current value of a unit of that mutual fund. So an increasing NAV means the fund is generating wealth for its investors.

NAV of mutual funds in India is the end of day value of a single unit share in a mutual fund. Indian mutual funds follow the same principles on how and when is NAV declared on each trading day. To calculate NAV, you must divide the value of (total assets – liabilities) by the number of outstanding units issued by the mutual fund.

NAV full form in mutual fund context is Net Asset Value (NAV). It refers to the current market value of a single unit of a mutual fund on a particular day.

The net asset value per unit  of a mutual fund, is the value of a single unit of a mutual fund. Mutual funds begin with a set number of units and as time passes, the growth of the fund results in the growth of the net asset value per share.

A negative net asset value calculation on a given day indicates that the fund has lost money that day. While it is not possible for the actual net asset value per share to ever go below zero, it is possible for the fund to experience a negative NAV change on a day-to-day basis when the fund experiences a trading loss.

Depending on the fund, the NAV is usually declared at the end of the trading day. The mutual fund you have invested in may have a different cut-off time for when NAV is declared, but most Indian mutual funds follow the same timing at the end of the day’s trading.

The formula for calculating the NAV of a mutual fund is net assets / outstanding mutual fund units. This means that if the net assets (assets – liabilities) of a mutual fund comes up to Rs. 27,30,125 and it has 15,000 outstanding units, the NAV formula will give you an NAV of 27,30,125/15,000 = 182 per mutual fund unit.

The current net asset value of a mutual fund refers to the cost of purchasing one unit of a mutual fund on a given day. The current NAV is calculated by dividing the net assets of a fund (assets  – liabilities) and dividing the amount by the number of outstanding units. If the current NAV of a mutual fund is Rs. 78, then to invest in  50 units of that mutual fund you will need  78 x 50 = Rs. 3900

NAV of a mutual fund can be checked on the official website of the Asset Management Company. You can check the NAV values of Bandhan Mutual Fund’s schemes on the scheme page or via Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI).

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