NFO Opens










Bandhan Multi Asset Allocation Fund

An open-ended scheme investing in Equity, Debt, Money Market Securities, and Gold/Silver instruments.
Bandhan Financial Services Fund, NFO opens: 10th July, 2023 | NFO closes: 24th July, 2023
Bandhan Financial Services Fund, NFO opens: 10th July, 2023 | NFO closes: 24th July, 2023

What is Multi Asset Allocation?

  • Multi Asset Allocation is an investment strategy that optimizes risk and reward by diversifying a portfolio across various asset classes.
  • Each asset class plays a unique role within the portfolio, providing potential growth, stability, or inflation protection.
  • Importantly, each asset class responds differently to market cycles, so while some may underperform, others might thrive at any given time.
  • As a result, a combination of asset classes leads to potentially stable portfolio returns.
Source: The image used is for illustration purpose only

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Why Choose Multi Asset Investing?

Shifting Success of Asset Class

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Asset Allocation Determines Portfolio Outcomes

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Adaptive to Markets

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Shifting Success of Asset Class

While equities historically yield higher returns, their volatility poses challenges. No single asset class consistently outshines others, underscoring the need for a diversified portfolio.

Source: Bandhan MF, Bloomberg. Data as of 30th November 2023. LBMA Gold AM Prices used for representation of performance of gold. *Performance chasing behaviour and Mutual Funds: New evidence from Multi-fund managers. Performance results may have inherent limitations, and no representation is being made that any investor will or is likely to achieve. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.

Key Takeaway: Strategic diversification enables you to have potentially stable outcomes.

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Asset Allocation Determines Portfolio Outcomes

  • A pivotal 1986 study emphasizes that asset allocation is the single most important factor in determining portfolio outcomes.
  • A staggering 92% portfolio return variability is determined by asset allocation.*
  • On the other hand, security selection and market timing have negligible impact on return variability.
Source: The image used is for illustration purpose only. Vanguard- The global case for strategic asset allocation. BHB- Determinants of portfolio return variability.

Adaptive to Markets

  • Chasing past performance may often be mislead to unfavourable results.
  • Studies reveal that efforts to outsmart the market by hopping between asset classes result in underperformance. *
  • Multi-asset strategies adapt to changing market conditions and aim for sustained returns over short-term performance chasing.
Source: Bandhan MF. Data from 31st Dec 2010 to 30th October 2023. Performance results may have inherent limitations, and no representation is being made that any investor will or is likely to achieve. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. For *Dalbar study, please click here

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Bandhan Multi Asset Allocation Fund Construct

The fund's strategic asset allocation spans Domestic Equities, International Equities, Debt, and Gold/Silver instruments, ensuring a well-rounded investment approach.

Disclaimer: The current strategy is subject to change within the limits of SID depending on the fund manager's views and the market conditions. The sub-asset classes mentioned above are used to explain the concept and are for illustration purposes only. It should not be used to develop or implement an investment strategy. The sub-asset class may or may not be part of our portfolio/strategy/ schemes. It should not be construed as investment advice to any party. ^As per prevailing tax laws, subject to change. Please consult your tax advisor.

Transparent and Effective Strategy

  • The fund’s strategy offers transparency by clearly outlining the allocation of assets across various asset classes.
  • It aims to introduce discipline and structure into the investment process.
  • By reducing personal biases, the strategy fosters consistent decision-making.
Source: The image used is for illustration purpose only

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Balancing the Science and Art of Multi-Asset Investment

The fund taps into both the science and art of multi-asset investment.

  • Broad asset allocation is based on the long-term return expectations of each asset class, backed by research.*
  • While the sub-asset allocation is based on the fund manager’s outlook to capitalize on short-term opportunities.
Disclaimer: *The Global case for strategic asset allocation- vanguard. Strategic asset allocation involves setting target allocations across various asset classes and rebalancing regularly to stay close to the assigned allocation. For illustration purposes only. It should not be construed as a recommendation from Bandhan Mutual Fund or should not be used for the development/implementation of an investment strategy.

Consider investing in this fund if…

You’re seeking a well-rounded, risk-mitigated portfolio.

You value relatively stable returns and are looking to achieve them through a strategic mix of assets.

You want to balance your risk appetite by diversifying across high and low-risk assets.

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Make an informed decision. Learn more about investing in Bandhan Multi Asset Allocation Fund

Fund Facts

Type of Scheme

An open-ended scheme investing in Equity & Equity Related Instruments, Debt & Money Market Securities and Gold/Silver related instruments.

NFO Period

10th to 24th January 2024


65% Nifty 500 TRI + 25% NIFTY Short Duration Debt Index + 5% Domestic prices of gold + 5% Domestic prices of silver.

Fund Managers

Equity portion: Mr. Viraj Kulkarni, Mr. Daylynn Pinto, Mr. Nemish Sheth
Debt portion: Mr. Gautam Kaul
Overseas portion: Ms. Ritika Behera (Equity), Mr. Sreejith Balasubramanian (Debt)

Minimum Investment

During New Fund Offer

₹ 1,000

And in multiples of Rs. 1/- thereafter

Exit Load

For 10% of investment: Nil
For remaining investment: 0.5 % if redeemed/ switched out within 30 days from the date of allotment.


Regular/Direct Plan: Growth Option and Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option^

Investment Objective

The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate income and provide long term capital appreciation by investing in instruments across multiple asset classes namely Equity & Equity Related Instruments, Debt & Money Market Securities and Gold/Silver related instruments. However, there is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the scheme will be realized and the scheme does not assure or guarantee any returns.

Product info

Bandhan Multi Asset Allocation Fund

(An open-ended scheme investing in Equity & Equity Related Instruments, Debt & Money Market Securities and Gold/Silver related instruments)

This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:

  • To generate long term capital growth and income.
  • Investment across Equity & Equity Related Instruments, Debt & Money Market Securities and Gold/Silver related instruments.

*Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
